Our website is currently down for maintenance, we are uploading and testing our new website.
Tuesday, 5 January 2021
Friday, 1 January 2021
A Clean Sweep
What a Rubbish dive!
There was just so much
debris on our first dive that we decided that we couldn’t leave it there any
longer and that we just had to go back and collect it all.
The next dive we went bag in hand ready to
collect every bit of rubbish and debris that we could find. The four of us set
out to what we have nick named Beer Can Alley. I think you can guess why. See
for yourself…
We got busy collecting all the rubbish, beer can after beer can, a few glass bottles too, making sure that nothing had made itself at home inside.
Amongst the more unusual items that we recovered there was: some fishing line, rope, a ladies’ hygienic product (not so sure she’s a lady as she dumped it in the ocean!) and what initially looked like a plastic propellor but turned out to be a broom head, making it a clean sweep!
Having successfully made a small difference to help save our oceans and despite all the rubbish and debris found on the dive, we also enjoyed some amazing marine life on our way back into shore.
We were lucky enough to spot this wonderful Octopus nestled in the rocks. Initially, his head was clear of the rocks and as we approached he gracefully slide back under his rocky hideout home.
As you can see, we ended up with a really
full bag and I’m sure we’ll be back to keep on sweeping clean!
A Big Thank You to Angela, Barry and Bernd for being part of the solution on this rubbish debris dive.
Thursday, 10 December 2020
Rapid Antigen Testing Now Accepted in The Canary Islands
Exciting News!
Rapid Antigen Testing Now Accepted in The
Canary Islands
Confirmed today, 10th December 2020, the rapid antigen test is now a legally accepted test to enter the Canary Islands.
What this means for you
Last night it was announced by the Canarian
Government that the rapid antigen test will become the second accepted test for
entry to the Canaries and this morning the new law came into effect with the
new rapid test being accepted as of today!
Since November travelers to the Canary Islands have been required to have a diagnosic test for active SARS-COV-2 infection with a negative test result, within 72 hours of arrival, with the PCR test being the only acceptable test. Now the cheaper fast antigen test takes some of the stress and difficulties out of the process.
What you need to know
Your test must be carried out within 72
hours prior to your arrival.
Your test must be carried out by one of the authorised testing centres in either your country or the EU. Click on your country for the list of authorised testing centres:
If you live in a country where there are no authorized test centres, you may be able to access the services of those in another EU country. For example, if you live in Belgium or the Netherlands, then you should be able to access the services of the authorised testing centres in France or Germany.
More Info on the tests
The antigen test must detect SARS-COV-2
antigens with an accuracy of 97% and a sensitivity of over 80% as defined in
the supporting documentation.
The test must come with a printed or
digital certification that includes all of your details, the testing centres
details and the accuracy and sensitivity of the test.
It is preferred that the test certificate
is in Spanish or English.
Is there anything else I need to do?
You will need to sign a Responsible Declaration and provide details of where you will be staying.
You need to download the RadarCOVID
contagion alert app on to your smart phone. It is available for Android and
iPhone and it will notify you of the risk of exposure to Covid-19 based on your
location. Please ensure that your phone has location services turned on.
may also find it useful to have a QR code reader on your phone as a lot of
establishments are using them instead of traditional menus.
Finally, we look forward to welcoming you
back to Island Watersports, Lanzarote for some well deserved relaxation, sun
and fun diving.
Click to download the RadarCOVID
Compressor Room Upgraded for Nitrox and Trimix Gases
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Compressor Room Upgrade Over the past couple of months Island Watersports Compressor room has undergone some major surgery. Prior to this ...
Our website is currently down for maintenance, we are uploading and testing our new website.
The guest blogger this month is our very own Ailsa ‘Granny’ Pearce. Ailsa has worked in the diving business in Lanzarote for many years and ...