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Tuesday, 5 January 2021
Friday, 1 January 2021
A Clean Sweep
What a Rubbish dive!
There was just so much
debris on our first dive that we decided that we couldn’t leave it there any
longer and that we just had to go back and collect it all.
The next dive we went bag in hand ready to
collect every bit of rubbish and debris that we could find. The four of us set
out to what we have nick named Beer Can Alley. I think you can guess why. See
for yourself…
We got busy collecting all the rubbish, beer can after beer can, a few glass bottles too, making sure that nothing had made itself at home inside.
Amongst the more unusual items that we recovered there was: some fishing line, rope, a ladies’ hygienic product (not so sure she’s a lady as she dumped it in the ocean!) and what initially looked like a plastic propellor but turned out to be a broom head, making it a clean sweep!
Having successfully made a small difference to help save our oceans and despite all the rubbish and debris found on the dive, we also enjoyed some amazing marine life on our way back into shore.
We were lucky enough to spot this wonderful Octopus nestled in the rocks. Initially, his head was clear of the rocks and as we approached he gracefully slide back under his rocky hideout home.
As you can see, we ended up with a really
full bag and I’m sure we’ll be back to keep on sweeping clean!
A Big Thank You to Angela, Barry and Bernd for being part of the solution on this rubbish debris dive.
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Our website is currently down for maintenance, we are uploading and testing our new website.
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